Friday 20 February 2015

Loading film into the Pentax ME super 35mm film camera

1. Pull up the lock spin wheel and the back will pop open.

2. Load the 35mm film into the camera. Make sure the dial is on 125. This is important because if you don't do this then when the shutter is resting on your knee it will see darkness and remain open to let more light in. 

3. Push the corner of the film into the ghost fingers. Keep on pushing until it has gone in two perforations. 

4. Put your two fingers on the sprockets, making sure that the film perforations are firmly placed on the sprockets. It is worth spending some time making sure that you have this absolutely right or the film will not wind on. When you are sure the film is securely placed on the sprockets, wind the film on until you can see it coming around the ghost fingers.

5. Close the rear of the camera and start taking photos.

Pentax me super   
The Pentax ME super is a fantastic camera. It is a 35mm film camera. It was produced by Pentax from 1979 - 1986. It automatically changed the shutter speed.  

Thursday 19 February 2015

These photos were taken in B (Bulb) setting. This allows me to hold the shutter open for extended periods of time, in this case ten seconds. In the top picture I am experimenting with "light writing" where I got my assistant to write her name with the torch on her phone.

The photo above was also taken in bulb seting with a car going past with its head lights on.

These photos were taken with the Pentax ME super (35 MM film camera)

Developing black and white 35 mm ASA 400 film

There are many different ways of developing film according to the type of the film which you are developing. On this page I am developing black and white 35 MM 400 ASA or ISO film. Be very careful that you don't expose the film to light (it will ruin it).

Now I will show you step by step how to develop 400 ASA or ISO black and white 35 mm film.

                                                       Do the following in the dark

1. Get the tank spiral.

2. Push the film into the spiral and click the spiral back and forth to load the film onto it.

3. Slide the spiral onto the post.

4. Put the spiral and the post into the development tank.

5. Screw the funnel onto the development tank until you hear a click.

6. Put 1:9 dilution of developer into the development tank for 12 minutes, agitating it every 30 seconds. I used 1 part = 15 ml

7. After 12 minutes pour out the chemicals and do 1:19 dilution of the stop chemical.

8. Pour out the stop chemical after 1 minute and 30 seconds.

9. Then use the fix chemical and dilute 1:4. Pour it into the developing tank, then wait for 5 minutes, agitating it every 30 seconds.

10. Pour everything out of the tank and turn the tap on. Let the water rinse the tank with the film in it for 10 minutes, then take the film out of the tank.

11. Use the squeegee and get the water off the film. Leave the film for 30-45 minutes, until you are sure it is dry.

Black and white film photography

When I took this photo it was a very bright day so I had to change the shutter speed and aperture to fit my requirements. I was using a Pentax ME Super (35 MM film camera) with a 50 mm lens with Kentmere 400 ISO 24 exposure black and white film in it.